Spell Fusion II


The frigid ice bone marrow penetrated deeply, almost completely freezing Merlin's body. Layers of ice crystals rapidly formed on Merlin's skin. However, Merlin did not care. Instead, he stared unwaveringly at the mysterious runes carved on his arm, which was the key to cultivating Binding Ice.


The runes of Binding Ice gradually emitted a faint blue color. Then, they merged into the skin on his arm and formed light imprints.

Binding Ice was successfully cultivated!

However, Merlin did not relax. He was fusing Binding Ice and Pandora Demon Ability into the Ice-type spell where Merlin felt a slight sign of a Wind-type spell wanting to fuse with Binding Ice.

Merlin's heart rejoiced that the phenomenon had happened again. It was the same feeling of wanting to fuse, like the feeling he got from the Fire-type spell after he cultivated Thunder Fury.