The Purple Tribe

Merlin's Mind Storm was merely the crudest usage of Mind Power but appeared to have an unprecedented effect on these Grudge Sprites. Wherever they touched where Merlin's Mind Storm had reached, the Grudge Sprites gave out shrill screams and looked completely terrified. 

Splat! Splat!

Scores of Grudge Sprites were crushed by Merlin's Mind Storm. The exterior of the tower finally quietened. Although they were still unable to overcome the purple region, at least the danger had ceased temporarily. 

Maya sobered. He gave Merlin a measuring look and said softly, "It's fortunate that you have the Mind Storm. Otherwise, we would've been in trouble." 

Although Maya was also an existence comparable to an Honored Legend, he was helpless against these Grudge Sprites. If not for Merlin, he would indeed have been in trouble.