Half-exposed shirt

Mo Han had already shut his eyes. "Stop talking. Turn off the lights and go to sleep."

Xia Qingyi got up and walked over the huge obstacle lying on the floor to turn off the lights. Somehow as she returned to Mo Han's bed, her heart had slowly calmed down. There was no point thinking about certain things now. She would just solve them to her best ability when they really occurred. What she wanted now was to enjoy every present moment.

She was awoken by Mo Han the next day as usual. Mo Han was already dressed in an exquisitely made suit when she opened her eyes. He was standing by the table, looking for a document he had left there the night before.

"Hurry up and get out of bed. I've already bought breakfast. It's on the dining table outside."

"Okay… What time is it now?" Xia Qingyi was so sleepy she could barely open her eyes.

"It's already eight A.M. Do you have any classes today?"