Another victim

All of the students were jittery due to what that had taken place in school. Everyone was talking about the rape-cum-murder case. The crime scene had been cordoned off and no one was allowed to enter the area. Many female students were too frightened to go out anymore. The campus was practically empty by eight P.M.

Xia Qingyi was mostly nonchalant. She went to school when it was time for her classes and barely communicated with her classmates, as per usual. Apart from that, she spent most of her time after school either at Mo Han's office or at home.

She was busy when it came to class time, but once classes were over, she had quite a bit of time to relax.

The only thing that Xia Qingyi did not expect was that Zhang Yang would come to speak to her again.

"Excuse me, is there a student called Xia Qingyi in this class?" Zhang Yang walked right into the classroom, clad in his uniform. He showed his badge to the teacher who had been interrupted mid-lecture.