You Will Only Hurt Yourself By Caring Too Much

When Lin Che woke up the next day, she felt her head was in a mess. She tried to remember what happened last night but realized that the sun was already high in the sky and her head was resting in the nook of a soft arm.

She seemed to recall what happened and when she turned around, she saw Gu Jingze beside her.

It turned out that she had been sleeping in his arms…

She quickly looked down to inspect her clothes and saw that she was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. Only then did she relax.

However, she could not remember what exactly happened last night.


Gu Jingze opened his eyes slowly.

He frowned at this fidgety woman who was starting to move again.

He did not sleep properly last night and he was now being disturbed again. His face had become indescribable.

When she saw Gu Jingze's quiet gaze, Lin Che quickly sat up and moved away from his arm.