The Young Lady Said This Is My Friend

The reason why he was loved by many had little to do with his looks and background. It was because of the hard work he put in every day.

Los Angeles.

Lin Che went to eat with the young lady.

The Chinese food that the young lady ordered did not taste very delicious. Evidently, she had not been to C Country.

But as the young lady was tucking into the food, she said, "My dad doesn't really enjoy Chinese food, but I love it."

"Erm, the Chinese food here is slightly bland. It's different from what we usually eat," said Lin Che.

"Oh, is that so?"

"You will know when you visit C Country next time. By the way, what's your name? You have never told me."

"My name is Abigail," replied the young lady.

"Wow, you have a beautiful name. What's your surname?"

"It's Wesley."

"Oh, it seems like you are really born here. Don't you have a name in C Country's language?"