The Night Was Dark and the Winds Were Strong, It's Late at Night and Quiet Everywhere.

Elsewhere, Yin Tianzong and the others on Glorious Planet.

Frankly speaking, Glorious Planet was very large. It had a diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers. Putting just a few hundred to a thousand or so people on a planet this huge was like putting a handful of fish into the ocean, inconsequential.

But the problem was that Yin Tianzong was there to look at the scenery and take a vacation while Li Tianxing and the people he brought were pillaging the planet for valuables. In the few days they were there, the people with Li Tianxing almost turned the whole planet over. They did not find any treasure, but they did find Yin Tianzong and the others…

"You're here?" When he alighted from the spacecraft and saw Yin Tianzong, Jiang Qianxue, Feng Wuhen, and the others, Li Tianxing immediately said, amused, "Haha, the last I saw you, you wanted to kill me. I did not expect that you all would have run off too. Haha, interesting."