The Truth is Revealed (Part Thirteen)

"Look at this candy. You can blow the whistle to make a sound." Wang Yuexiang waved a candy and showed it to Xiaojiao.

The whistle made a shrill sound and it pierced through the silence. The toy thrilled Xiaojiao and she loved it.

She extended her chubby hands and took the whistle candy from her grandmother. She blew on it first before popping the candy inside her mouth.

They sat side by side on the couch. Xiaojiao's cheek was bulging with the candy inside her mouth, and she dangled her feet happily.

Su Yue came forward and frowned when she saw the snacks and candies. "Aunt, it's late and she can't eat too much."

Wang Yuexiang waved her hands to dismiss her concerns. "Alright, I'll take note. Later I'll get her to brush her teeth. Don't worry."

"Ming Ansheng, why is your wife still addressing me as Aunt?"

Madam Wang frowned at Ming Ansheng as she threw him a question.