The Mizuhi Family Meet; The Trouble and Opportunities It Brings

With regretful thoughts on my mind, I open the door leading into the upstairs hallway. Right outside the door, my sister, Ai, stands in a white and noble dress.

All it takes is one step before she scolds me

"Are you really going to wear that to the Family meet!? We're nobles you know."

I sigh at the, in my opinion, unnecessary remark. Looking at her with my dead eyes, I respond

"It doesn't matter what I wear, I'm going to get insulted anyway. Besides, you already know I don't like the whole nobility stuff."

After letting out a quiet "Still..." Ai goes silent.

I walk down the stairs I had been running up so enthusiastically before.

Down the stairs there stands two guards ready to escort us.

One of the guards creates a "Tsk" sound as I walk past him, I don't care enough to say anything.

The car is a luxurious limousine and when I enter, I'm greeted by a rather happy security guard

"Hello, Kentarou! How're you doing?"

To avoid eye contact, I look down at the expensive watch that I'd been given for Christmas. Sometimes I wonder if I have the right to complain about the nobles when I indulge in the privileges I'm given. The security guard ends my internal debate by asking the question again. I sit down in the car and respond

"I'm good, Marie."

Marie responds "Mmh" With a smile before greeting the rest of the family.

On the way to the banquet, I get to enjoy the beautiful setting sun once again. It shines upon the city in an uplifting way, but it was soon time for the view to perish. The calm radio music paired with the sight makes me dream away.


"Kentarou, where are you!?"

The image of a person searching for me pops up, along with it comes chaos and flames.

I desperately run through the dark but lit up hallways, like I'm running from something but I don't know from what.

I reach for someone's hand but I can't reach it, Instead, a big black figure grabs me and runs away from the hand while I'm crying.



I scream as I wake up in cold sweat in the car.

Everybody's eyes instantly lock onto me.

"Are you okay!?" My sister instantly asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I respond, still sweating.

I've had that dream for a while now, yet I don't have a single clue as to what it is.

I shake it off and continue to enjoy the picturesque view for the rest of the car ride

I step out of the car with my pedestrian clothes, looking like the black sheep.

I let the rest of my family walk in front of me in an effort to draw less attention.

While walking towards the insanely big hall, you can hear a bunch of whispers

"Look, there he is. That half-blooded bastard."

"What're those clothes, he looks like a commoner. Well, I guess it fits him hahahahaha"

"I wonder why they let him into their family?"

"Probably because they pity him right?"

"Right, hahahahahaha."

My pride got slightly hurt like it usually does. But I keep on walking calmly, My sister, on the other hand, is visibly upset over the whispers.

All I can think in my head is 'Why do you look more upset than I do, sister?'.

Inside the big building lies a banquet room with food to the left and drinks to the right. I sit down at a table with the rest of the family, a waiter runs up to us and says

"Hello honored guests, we ask that you get your food from that table over there." He points to a long line. Before we even can stand up, members of the Mizuhi family rush over to our table.

A gentleman with a monocle and a top hat shakes my stepmom's, Kizuna's, hand and says

"Greetings, Greetings, daughter of Nobuto Mizuhi. I'm very happy that you came-J'ai."

"Good evening, Maxime." Kizuna says while smiling

My father, Akira, steps into the conversation and says

"Haa, Looks like the Mizuhi family isn't doing too well nowadays. Considering you can't even afford waiters who serve the food"

With a vein almost popping, Maxime retorts

"Uuuuh, What'd you say bastárd-J'ai?"

Akira answers with a loud and raspy


With foreheads being pressed against each other, Kizuna steps in

"Oh my, shall we calm down a bit?"

Maxime and Akira immediately back off due to Kizuna's intense aura, Maxime starts talking

"How rude, I do apologize Mrs. Kizuna Mizuhito"

He takes a moment to turn towards Kizuna and continues

"But still, how could you, the daughter of the head of the Mizuhi family, marry someone from the Miúra family. Let alone someone of his caliber."

Akira immediately responds

"Excuse me, What'd you say? You do know my brother is the head of the Miura family, right? You're just a lowly 3-rate Mizuhi."


My eyes and attention drift away from the comedic fighting.

I start thinking about Olympus and my teammates. I have a couple of people to invite when I get back into the game, but I still need 12 people.

Hope I'll meet some willing people on my adventure.

But that's not the only problem I'm faced with, I don't think I'm strong enough right now to defeat the current holder, NiceCookies. But I have got somewhat of a plan to get stronger.

I'm still surprised that KeyboardWarrior92 decided to join me in the end, But I don't know if I should've invited her. I'm happy that she joined, but I don't know how strong she is so perhaps she'll just be dead weight in the end.

Whatever, It'll solve itself somehow.


After eating some food, I decided to just sit down on a staircase in the corner of the room. Meanwhile everyone's mingling and talking, I'm sitting down and thinking of strategies to get stronger and topple the king of kings.

I take out a piece of paper and start writing down the ideas


Across the room, where everyone is getting their food, a red-haired teenager in a fancy yellow dress is standing, choosing what to eat. The girl is thinking about a couple of events that had happened to her today. Nobuto Mizuhi starts talking to the girl

"Should you really eat that much, Charlotte? You'll get fat."

The girl gets a bit frustrated and responds

"Shut up, Grandpa! I'm hungry, okay?"

With that, she walks towards her table.

While eating her food, she takes a look around the room.

Suddenly, she spots someone in the corner with a piece of paper in his hand.

She immediately gets a feeling of recognition. The face was really familiar, but she couldn't figure out who's face it was.

Out of frustration because she couldn't figure it out, she looked away and started eating again;

With that feeling of recognition lingering


Suddenly a person approaches me sitting in the corner.

He's standing with a couple of people.

The boy is pretty ugly, has a big nose and is fat. Although my perception might be a bit biased because of who the person is.

He opens his slobby mouth and says

"Oya, Oya, if it isn't the Fake-noble."

I instantly let out a sigh and think to myself;

'Did he have to come here? Well, of course, he had to.'

I say

"What do you want, Kenji!?"

Kenji instantly gets a wide smile and says

"Can you really talk like that to me!? You're just a lowly half-blood, worse than a commoner. It's a wonder that no one has killed you yet, like your parents."

Kenji's "Yesmen" continue the insults

"Yeah that's right, it's a miracle. Hahahaha"

"You're so lucky you got accepted by some pitying family

I stand up in rage and walk towards him.

When I'm a meter in front of him I say

"Listen up, you bastard! Insult me all you want, I don't care, but don't you dare talk shit about my family or anyone I care about."

Happy to have gotten a satisfying reaction, Kenji continues the bullying

"Oya, Oya, Is that so? By the way, I've heard rumors of your sister selling her body at school, basically she's a whore. Of course, they're just rumors."

The anger takes over me. I can't accept anyone insulting my sister. I grab his collar and throw a punch. But before it can land, Kenji says something

"Do you really want to do that?"

My fist instantly stops right before hitting his face. With a violent tone, I say

"What do you mean, Kenji?"

After Kenji and his Yesmen laugh for a couple of seconds, Kenji answers me

"I bet there's a lot of people in here who are practically waiting for you to break a rule, and when that happens: They'll 'take care of you'."

Upon hearing this, I get my consequence-thinking started.

After thinking a bit, I decide to let go of his collar. In this scenario, I think it's better if I take some blows instead of me giving some and getting "taken care of".

With a big smile on his face, Kenji whispers

"Good choice."

As soon as I take a step back,

I'm suddenly hit in the stomach.

The pain is strong, but I'm pretty used to this stuff. The impact results in me falling back onto the staircase.

Kenji's yesmen come forth and kick me for a bit before getting bored and backing off. I groan in pain meanwhile Kenji's just standing there, smiling. After a couple of seconds, Kenji turns around.

"Hya-Hya-Hya, See you later then, Fake-noble."

With a disgusting grin, the bully and his team leave the scene.


It takes a couple of minutes for me to be able to sit up like normal again.

The music and talking are so loud in the hall that almost no one noticed the exchange that just occurred.

I stand up and scratch my head a bit before sitting down again and writing again.

The classical music is making my leg follow the rhythm, and I'm having a pretty good time.

I can't believe that Kenji bastard really did that though, he's been picking on me ever since we first met. I'll fucking destroy him when I get the chance to, I'm so sick of it.

But I'll have to bear with it for now.


After a while of thinking, the time is 10 pm. These Family Meets usually last until 1 am in the morning.


a female voice is heard from behind me

"Looks like you came, Kentarou!"

That voice! I turn around to see who it is.

Suddenly, the girl jumps at me, causing me to fall over.

When I open my eyes, I see the girl sitting on top of me.

"So it's you, Yuki."

Thie girl has bright blue eyes and blonde hair formed in drills. Her dress is quite tight, defining her voluptuous chest area and curves.

This is Yuki, who is my sister's cousin. Mentally, I'm quite overwhelmed by what just happened but I manage to calmly say

"Yuki, how about you get off of me?"

Complying with my request, Yuki gets off and stands up. With a bright smile, she asks

"So, Kentarou. How're you doing?"

I get up and sit down on the staircase again. I answer

"Not too good, considering what happened earlier."

Yuki let's out a "Mmmh" before saying

"I saw your shenanigans earlier, and I think what you did was brave."

I retort quickly with

"I didn't really have a choice."

Yuki moves in closer, when she's right in front of me, she moves to my right and whispers into my ear

"I think I fell for you."

I instantly blush upon hearing this.

But it disappears quickly because I remember who Yuki is.

Yuki is a tricky person, it's hard to figure out what she really means with the things she says.

I respond

"Haha, that's very funny. But I have a question for you."

Yuki pouts a bit with her lips before saying


I say

"You play Olympus, right?"

Yuki simply responds

"Yes, I do play it."

I continue my questioning with

"Are you doing something major at the moment?

Yuki thinks for a moment and responds

"No, not really."

I stand up at the staircase to reveal my important question.

I take a deep breath and reach out my hand before asking

"Do you want to join me on my journey for 'The Dream of Olympus'?"

Yuki immediately lights up and says after a couple of seconds

"Hahahahaha, chasing after NiceCookies, are you? I knew you were an interesting person, Kentarou. Ever since I first met you, you've constantly been surprising me."

Yuki takes a step forward and grabs my hand, saying

"Yes, I'll join you on your ridiculous quest for 'Zeus'!"


And like that, Kentarou had gotten 4 out the 12 people he needed. But everything isn't going to go exactly the way Kentarou would want to.

In Athens, a couple of people are preparing an assassination of the boy

"Still, why would 'Lethal Apple Seed' offer such a bounty for someone like this?"

"No idea, I've never even heard of him before."
