The ground shook with a slow, steady pulse. My grip tightened on the hilt at my hip, my blood running cold. I looked up, trying to get my bearings, but the pale light of the moon had suddenly vanished. The forest was drenched in unnatural bone-chilling darkness. Just standing within the trees was enough to make the pit of my stomach churn with disgust. Something was very wrong.
The whispers of my men grew louder, primal terror in every murmur. Something was here,
lurking deep within the shadows. I could feel it, slowly inching closer. The forest felt alive, the heartbeat of hundreds of things, waiting for us to venture slightly deeper into the darkness.
"Steady," whispered my second in command hoarsely. I turned to look at him, but he was swallowed by the darkness.
"Lights," I ordered harshly in a low tone, my hand grasping for my sword. My mind raced, every instinct pleading for me to flee. To leave these vile woods. I could feel my will shattering, strangled like the moonlight in the darkness.
Shouts of fear rippled through the regiment.
"LIGHTS!" I roared the order gutturally, panic gripping my heart. I pulled out my sword, knuckles bone-white against the hilt. My instincts screamed in fury, grinding against my crumbling resolve. "LIGHTS!"
Spurred on by fear and discipline, countless spells were cast, finally lighting the clearing in a faint blue glow. I felt a tinge of hope.
The shadows came forward, circling. The darkness was smothering the light.
"Circle formation!"