(not)Magic Training part 1

I spent the last two days mainly sleeping, or eating modest meals in the company of Edmund. On the third day, I decided to go outside and look around, so I asked him to take the barrier off the door.

"No problem, just do not destroy anything or take off the medallion under any circumstances, Barghests enough as your protection, and also do not move away from the manor.

I nodded on a sign that I understood, then I left.

It was already in the afternoon. The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky, but it was not particularly hot, and a gentle wind brushing my skin. For the first time in a long time I had the opportunity to walk, which I gladly used it. There was a garden in front of me, but much smaller than the one at the back of the property, in turn there were a lot of marble and stone sculptures and a large fountain from which birds were drinked. Both the figures and the fountain itself were overgrown with weeds, which showed that just like the garden behind the house, nobody had to cultivated with them for a long time. I could also take a closer look at the manor itself.

It had a total of one floor + ground floor. It had a bright white color, however, the walls were overgrown and there was many cracks and discolorations on manor, which did not diminish the fact that it was really beautiful. At both ends of the building there were two towers, which must have been a great observation point.

Next, there was a small road leading to the residence, but as promised, I will look at it a bit later.

After an hour of walking around the manor I decided to go back inside. At dinner, Edmund announced that my training began the next day. After returning to my room, I was so excited that I could not sleep for a long time. I could not wait to learn to use magic.

I did not even know how wrong I was.


"So your training starts today. Are you ready?"

"Consistent and ready." I replied excitedly.

I wanted to take off my medallion, but the magician stopped me.

"It will not be necessary, actually for the next two months your power will not be needed."

I frowned

(Magic training without magic?)

"At the moment your body is very weak physically, and using magic in this state can hurt you, and even kill you, so from now on everyday for 4 hours a day you will practice your condition under my eyes. You start with running around the residence 10 times, it will be 2km to warm up.

"Warm ... you did not mention anything about that !!!"

"I know, that's why I'm talking now" He smiled maliciously. "No less never did I say that your training would consist only of learning magic, right? Well, now get to work. "

It was only now that I noticed that he had spread the deckchair under the umbrella, and the side was a table with lemonade on it.

"Well, what are you waiting for, go to work."

(That's a bastard. In addition, he still mean grin , I will remember it !!!)

In spite of my anger I did what he ordered and I started to run. Already after 6 on the circuits, I could hardly walk, and my lungs burned with a living fire. When I was done, I fell to the ground. Edmund approached me, heck knows why.

"Since you've finished the warm-up, we can go to the main part of the training. "

I looked at him and only then did I see the devil in him.

This is how two months of training (horror) began under the supervision of Edmund (the devil).