Learning the first spell

It took me a long time to understand Edmund's explanation.

(How the hell could he not have told me that ?! I mean, when I using magic I look like a fucking demon who's scaring naughty kids? This is not a detail you can say "tiny." In addition, he told me he did not any idea why my eyes have such a color. Great help, really.)

The only reason I did not affront him and each of his ancestors from the paintings in the corridor was the fact that today he will teach me basic spells.

The exercises were to take place outside, because it was the safest option. The skies were overcast, and there was snow around, so it was the best conditions for testing fire spells.

"Today I will teach you basic offensive and defensive spells. We will start with the simplest magic of fire, Fireball. "

He held out his hand, and immediately after that fire appeared on his hand.

"You have mastered control and flow quite well, and the next step in creating spells is Form. Direct your power to your hand. "

I imagined the river flowing again, then sent the mane to my hand.

"Now focus only on the fire element. Give it shape and strength. "

In my mind a ready picture has already appeared, in which I have poured power.

A flame of the size of a medicine ball began to rise above my hand. I smiled at the sight.

"Good." Edmund said calmly. "Now try to hit one of these mannequins." He pointed to three wooden dolls positioned some 50 meters from us.

"If you want, we can come closer."

"You do not have to, I will rather hit from this distance." I replied confidently.

I made a swing and threw flames towards the puppets. Unfortunately, after about 10 meters the ball completely changed direction and hit the ground far from the target. The master said nothing but gave a signal to continue.


After 5 minutes, I barely had the strength to stand. All the fireballs I used either dropped off the course or hit a far before the dummies. One even flew in a completely opposite direction. I felt like I did my usual physical training twice.

"And what, you still do not want to come closer?" Edmund asked, smiling half-faintly.

I just gave him an angry look, but I did not say anything. I waited a long moment before regaining enough energy to cast the spell again. However, the effect did not differ from previous attempts and so on and on.

After 2 hours I was very tired and it was damn cold to me, but Edmund was calm all the time and mocked.

"If the master knows why it doesn't want hit the mark , he could tell me."

"I could actually, but I'd rather you would have it yourself. And I advise you to hurry up, the evening is approaching. "

(You could say asshole and already!)

I took a deep breath and thought about what to do with it.

Each spell, I created was flying stupid no matter what I did. I had no idea what to do.

I wanted to try again, but my power was running out, so I decided to reduce the volume of the ball to the size of a baseball ball. I dropped her in the direction of the dummy, which was in the middle, although I did not have any hope that I would hit it, but the result made me shocked. The ball flew in a straight line much faster than the previous one to the target and almost hit it, hitting only less than a meter from the manikin.

(Wait, that is, the smaller the sphere, the faster the speed and accuracy)

I've made the last of my mana and repeated what I did before. The bullet barely hit the left shoulder of the dummy, but it hit!

Behind me, I heard slow applause.

"Well done, you finally got it. The more mana you put into a spell, the greater the strength, but it loses on accuracy and speed, especially in the case of such weak spells. "

"And ... why ... you did not tell me ... earlier." I panted with difficulty.

"Because it's also part of the training. When you consume the entire mana to the maximum, you slowly increase your mana pool. The more often you do it, the bigger it is. That's enough for today, I've prepared a soup before, it will be useful for warming up. "He turned towards the manor house.

I looked at him wondering if this guy was just making fun of me, if he was really serious about his work.

(Pour it, I want to eat something.)