Big Scary Sister

It was no surprise that a released aura of a new powerful entity would cause quite an uproar.

Myra was blissfully unaware of this little tidbit however and concentrated on the people in front of her. Her body changed to the only thing she ever tried to copy. A young woman similar to the one of the statue, with a pretty face and an utterly enchanting figure. She tweaked the facial features a little bit, to avoid making it too obvious to find out her real identity and changed the hairstyle and eye color, along with transforming her outfit into a simple black robe. The black wild wavy hair that was usually falling down to her waist, quickly turned into a chestnut brown color and became straight as if someone had just tamed it with a brush. Doing her best to imitate a powerful mage or magical knight she then walked around the corner and glared at the thugs.

"What is going on here?"

The leader of the men was still trembling and fearfully looked up into her face. "We were just passing by my lady, there is really no reason to bother yourself. The girl had just been drinking too much and we asked if they required help."

"Is that so?" Myra asked them in a doubtful voice, all too aware that he was not telling the truth.

"Maybe you should leave quickly and make sure she is not drinking too much in the future. Some of her relatives might be really upset if something happened to her you know."

She lifted some of her aura and the men quickly got up and fled the area.

"Thank you lady for saving my wife. I am Sharin and my wife's name is Deena." The young man was really thankful and profusely thanked her.

"Your wife?" Looking at the girl, who was likely even younger looking than her usual self, it really took Myra by surprise. She would have expected the young man to call her his sister, but never would she have thought that their relationship was quite different than what she had expected.

"Well .." the young man continued. "She is actually my fiancé not my wife yet." he explained further, looking quite a bit embarrassed about the whole situation.

"We went out and had a little bit to drink and .. I didn't expect that she would get drunk so fast."

It finally made some sense and Myra raised her eyebrow at the young man. "So you got your fiancé drunk. How old is she? Ten? What do her parents think of your drinking adventures?"

"They would probably be a little bit unhappy about it. She would usually be able to take care of thugs like them, but I guess they took advantage of the fact that she will be unable to cast any spells in her current state." he admitted a little bit reluctantly.

Myra took a glance at the girl, who was half asleep, but it didn't seem like she would suffer anything more serious than a headache once she woke up the next day, therefore she decided to not step in and heal the girl in any way.

"Can you give me directions to the nearest inn?" she asked after a moment of consideration. "I'm sure you can deal with this drinking issue on your own from here. I hope you know not to take advantage of a drunk girl." she scolded him a little bit, causing him to nod his head in agreement. "I would never think of something like that." he assured Myra, while his face turned red in embarrassment.

After receiving directions Myra quickly left the place, not even giving the young man her name, before escaping through the alleyways. She wanted to change back to her usual form and body, but there was no way she could change back without collapsing afterwards and falling into a deep sleep, as such she decided it would have to wait a little longer.

Even with her aura no longer released she still caused quite some excitement. Now that people were aware of a powerful unknown figure in their city, they were actively looking for her. It was all too easy for them to notice the strength of Myra's spirit, even more so now that Myra could barely control it or hold the power back. No one wanted to approach her right away though and when the leaders of the city finally reached the little inn, she had already booked a room and was fast asleep.

The little girl was not aware of all the commotion outside the room, with various powerful figures turning the inn upside down to find out more about her.


"Heron!" a powerful voice could be heard calling through the royal palace.

The chamberlain Heron quickly presented himself in front of their ruler, kneeling down and waiting for his orders.

"What can I do for your majesty today?"

The emperor had a worried look on his face. "Do we have any powerful foreign guests who have entered the city recently?"

"Foreign guests?" Heron asked a little bit bewildered. His strength was barely that of a master mage, as such he was unaware of the aura burst that could be felt throughout the city just moments ago.

"I am not aware of any powerful personage entering the capital your majesty. Probably some master rank individuals, but I don't think you are talking about them?"

Emperor Vandor Aer just shook his head. "No, that person must be at least at the level of a peak archmage or a saint to be able to interrupt my meditation, likely even stronger." He wished he were wrong and his senses played a trick on him, but the aura was strong and pure enough to even throw him out of his meditation. There was no way that he could be wrong.

It took the chamberlain a while to process the information of such a strong existence in their city, before he bowed again.

"What would you like us to do about this person your majesty?" he inquired cautiously.

"DO ABOUT IT?" Vandor roared. "What should we do about it do you think? Make sure to welcome whoever it is and make doubly sure to not offend them, or we might soon see ourselves on the losing side of a war! Now get out of here and make sure to have someone check the seals around the city. We should have at least been informed of someone this strong entering!"


Myra was still sleeping in her room at the inn. She did not think that there would be over a dozen people right in front of her door, waiting for the chance to greet her, or to be more precise, waiting for the chance to greet her other identity. Yawning and slowly getting up she took her time washing her face and getting ready to have a look around the city.

She could hear quite a commotion outside her room in the hallway, but didn't think too much about it. It was her first time sleeping at an inn after all and she was still unused to all the noises.

As soon as she opened the door however, her eyes turned big in surprise. There right in front of her door, people stood side by side as if they were waiting for some kind of speech. It was hard to miss that they were only in front of her door and not just standing around in the hallway randomly.

"Can I help you somehow?" she shyly asked the people, not sure why they would be here in the first place.

"Little girl, have you seen a young lady with chestnut brown hair and a black robe? We would like to talk to her." the old man answering must have been at least as perplexed as Myra herself. They were told about a young woman with brown hair entering the room, now a young kid came out of the room again. It was too strange. They could also see that no one else seemed to be in the room.

"You want to talk to elder sister?" Myra quickly found an excuse for the brown haired lady who would obviously no longer be around with Myra here. "She left earlier."

Little did she know that announcing to be related to the 'powerful' person would bring her some trouble by itself.

"Oh, so she is your sister. Yes we would be happy to talk to her. I am Jaros Prill and I am a protector of this country. What brings you to our capital?"

"I don't know when she will return. She had something to do back home and it might take her a week or two before she can return here."

Myra thought herself extremely smart to have her older sister disappear and not coming back for quite a while. What she did not expect was that her announcement would shock the people in front of her even more.

"Back home? A week or two?" the elder stammered. "Where do you come from if I may ask?"

She nearly bit her lips now that she thought about the consequences of what she said. She could not just say 'her sister' who didn't even exist was from Firestone. Not only would that bring trouble to her family, it would be too easy for someone to find out more about her real identity and uncover that she was not born there. She answered with the next best thing she could quickly think of.

"There is a little sea on the eastern side of Luminos. If you cross it and then go beyond the desert into the forest you come to our homeland."

She had seen the area while she was still flying through space as a comet and distinctly remembered the piece of water separating Luminos from the other continent, as well as the desert on the border of this continent followed by a nice looking forest in the center. Myra was pretty sure there lived no humans, it seemed like an ideal place for an excuse of a homeland no one would know about.

The elderly person however, did not nod in understanding and tell her 'Now I understand' as she expected, not at all. His face started to become very pale, drained of all color.

She could hear whispers all around her but really did not fully understand why everyone would be behaving in such a strange way. "Is she for real?", "Could that really be true?"... "Who is this girl?"

"You crossed the sea of nightmares and the endless desert and live in the forbidden forest?" the elder summarized her description of their journey, trying to get a hold of his emotions again.

Now as he put it that way, it didn't sound like such a good idea anymore. Myra crossed the places as a comet with a speed beyond mortal means. What only took her a few seconds, would take years to travel with a carriage and ship. Maybe telling them that her sister would be back in a few weeks was also not the smartest idea. Not to mention that the places the elder named, didn't exactly sound like some nice vacation spots.

Myra could no longer change what she said however, so she just nodded as if it was nothing unusual.

"I'm here for the examinations and to experience the world." she told the elder who seemed to be some sort of spokesperson for everyone around here.

"I see, thank you young lady. May I also know of your name, so we can inform his majesty of your visit? It would be our luck if we could provide some escort for the young lady, seeing as your sister won't be around for a while."

Myra wondered if she should tell him a fake name, but seeing as she got so much attention, she didn't want to risk it, especially as she would have to take the entrance examination later.

"Myra." she answered quickly, hoping to finally make them all go away and leave her alone. "I should be fine on my own, thanks."

The elder did not seem to expect her refusal of an escort, but there was not much he could do about it. Even if the little lady in front of him seemed harmless, he did not want to risk her ire, or that of her older sister.

"Very well, if the young miss needs anything, please simply let us know. You can visit us at the palace any time, or talk to one of the imperial guards if you need any assistance." The elder then gave Myra a little metal badge, which would tell the guards to let her pass if she would like to come to the palace.

They bade Myra farewell and slowly left the inn, confusion, worry and excitement visible on their faces. Even the innkeeper suddenly treated her exceptionally well, even though he had no idea how this little girl even came into the inn in the first place.
