We got all of this, it's just not here ...

Myra looked at the crystal that contained various reports and frowned. The soil they built their kingdom on was not very fertile and would not allow a lot of crops to be planted.

They did not have any forests to gather wood from and while it would be possible to plant trees in the areas, they would take several years to grow.

Even worse, the mineral resources they had expected to find were simply not there. A few small veins of copper and iron, but nothing in large quantities that would cover the needs for a whole kingdom.

She didn't even need to mention anything about wildlife, because the frozen tundra was basically a dead cold wasteland if one did not include the ants. Everyone realized that they would not find a lot of wildlife for hunting there.

"We simply can't import everything without having any goods for sale. The resources for the shop are rare and expensive, but we need a lot more of the basic materials. Wood, iron, copper, tin, food. Things like that."

"How do you plan on getting those?" Liam was thinking about any magical means they could use to create these things, but even if they summoned it, it would just use up too much magical power for such large quantities.

"Where not how. We are already changing the weather, planting forests and with these changes the wildlife will also change. It will just take time."

"There are no places that are unclaimed close by and even those farther away on Gaia are likely occupied by magical beasts."

Aaron raised his eyebrows at Myra's choice of words. "What about those not on Gaia?" He had a hard time even thinking about it. It was well known that there were other worlds out there, but they were so far away, that no one even bothered thinking what they would look like.

"That's exactly where we can look for more resources until our own place is in a better situation."

Myra was happy that Aaron figured out her idea so quickly.

"How is that supposed to work? We send people to farm on other worlds and then bring the products back?" Nell was confused.

"Why not? It's a bit farther away and will take some more power, but if we only open the gateways at certain times to get people there and products and people back it should not be an issue."

"Currently all our people are living in or around the tower anyways. It's not like anyone already has a farm in the Celestial Kingdom that would have to be moved. Also we could get some interesting products."

"How would we even get there without an array at the destination?"

"I can fly there in spirit form." – "That works?" Liam seemed surprised.

"Sure, just takes a few hours of travelling and searching for something suitable. Getting there is easy, it's the scouting part that takes the time. There are so many worlds that are just empty rocks and unless you get close to them it's hard to tell if it's a world we could use or a dead one."

"What do you mean with rocks? How can a world be just a rock? Why would the gods create rocks?" Alyn couldn't find a way to understand these things Myra just told them about.

The idea of space and millions of different worlds out there that were just existing in empty space was more than Myra's group of friends could understand. How would one explain this vast empty space, how would one explain gravity, or the lack thereof without science?

As many amazing things magic could bring, it had a hard time with explaining natural phenomena.

Myra did her best though and tried to explain the large amount of worlds that were just hanging in empty space without falling down and that 'down' didn't even exist in space.

She tried explaining that some worlds would hover around others in circles and whole sections of worlds also moving around.

Aaron prevented her from explaining all the details after a while.

"Myra, I have no idea how that would even be possible. I guess it's for the best if you just get us there ... somehow … and we help you explore and gather the resources and set up bases."

With things being decided this way, Myra soon got the task of finding them worlds they would be able to use as places to gather resources. The others would use the time to prepare groups of workers who were willing to go to these places to use whatever skills were necessary to gather materials from there.

As there were many worlds that had trees, fertile soil and animals of some kind, it did not seem hard for Myra to create a few destination arrays to make use of these resources.

"Try to avoid worlds that are very dangerous. We don't want our workers to get hurt somehow. Especially the worlds where we want to build farms should be somewhat safe, because we can't just take the crops and leave, we have to wait until everything is harvested." Aaron recommended and Myra quickly agreed.


The first world Myra found a few weeks later that was used as a resource planet was ideal for farming and growing plants. This world did not seem to have any kind of animal, but the flora was exceptionally well developed.

All kinds of plants could be found and as soon as the area was secured, they started to build some farms and got places ready to cut down trees.

The trees were strange looking and exotic, but the wood was still basically the same. As with Gaia the variety of trees and plants was quite large and soon they had various kinds of lumber, even if its coloration was different from the one they would find on their home world.

To the workers it was explained as a pocket dimension, useful for gathering materials and the common people had no reason to doubt any of this. It was after all very different from their regular world and calling it a packet dimension or a different world would not be of any difference to them.

"Liam how are our crops doing?" Myra asked and quickly received the answer that she wanted to hear.

"They seem to grow well on this different world. We planted our own crops to avoid too much confusion, as the crops on the new world are not known, but our own crops are growing decently enough."

Liam showed her some experiments they had completed and their results on a magic recording crystal.

"With the pretty much unlimited space that we can clear and all of it being fertile soil, we can grow our crops there until the weather in the Celestial Kingdom changed enough."

"We can also use the logs that we gathered while clearing the area." Aaron added.

"That will be more than enough for construction, various crafts and as firewood for a while. If we need more we can thin out the forests a little as well, this won't harm the surrounding area."

Myra nodded, with all of this implemented, some of their basic requirements for materials would be covered.

"What about metals, minerals, various stones?"

Nell pointed to the crystal which had a distribution of minerals saved. "It looks like we got most of the basic stuff here somewhere. Copper, Iron, Tin, Gold, Silver, Marble, Granite and so on. We have to dig a little bit deeper than we are used to on Gaia, but it should be doable."

"What surprises me is the total lack of certain resources. There are no magic crystals, no star steel, nothing that could be considered as magical plants not even simple spirit grasses."

Myra just nodded, not really surprised. "I don't think every world is the same. Not every world has these things, some are just devoid of any of the resources that would require magical power of any kind."

"You can even check the air and it will not really support magic power accumulation. Without a proper gathering array that can collect energy from the stars it will take forever to get enough power to open a gateway."

Aaron did not like that a lot. "Does that mean that magic power cannot be used normally on these worlds? What if we get stuck there?"

"I think that might be the case." Myra wasn't sure herself but she could make a few assumptions.

"If such a world doesn't support magical power accumulation, it would take a very strong mage or magic power user to use magic there."

"They would have to gather their power from the stars, or from some dimension outside of the world, or some sources that can compact magical power like magic stones, the same as the arrays we use for this new world."

Alyn stared at all the information in the crystal again. "I still can't believe we just grow crops and herbs on a totally different world as if it's normal."

"I go look around for another world that might help us might more magical resources, maybe I find something nice."


On a world far away two gargantuan beings were waking from their slumber. Their huge forms were covered in plants and stones, covered in moss with trees growing on their bodies, as they had not moved for thousands of years, like a living mountain range.

Some humans, when they would see their form would instantly recognize them as creatures in their myths and legends. They called them dragons.

"This power was not there before." The younger one of them mumbled. It had lived for thousands of years and had sensed many mage tower beacons come and go. They all had various forms and shapes, but in the end all of them were doing the same thing.

"Did a new God get born?" Such an event would cause some sort of curiosity. It was rare that one of the 'mortals' as they called them would advance from their fleshly forms to create a spirit form.

Many mage towers were built across the galaxy, but only a small part of their owners would succeed.

"No, this is not a new God. I know this power." the older one said. "This is an Ancient One awakening again."

"Ancient?" This was the first time, the younger dragon had heard the older one call anything ancient.

The older dragon was hundreds of thousands of years old. How old would a being have to be for it to be called ancient?

"Don't anger the Ancient Ones. Whole bloodlines of Godlings were ended because one of them got angry."

The old dragon closed its eyes again and continued to sleep, leaving the younger dragon wondering and curious.

"I go take a look." It mumbled, before it ltransformed its physical shell and travelled with its spirit through the galaxy, looking for this strange Ancient One.

At the world it just left behind, the old dragon was once again trying to get some sleep.

"Let the young one explore. After a few ten thousand years of seeing the world can't hurt." It mumbled, before closing its eyes again.

The world now had one mountain range less, while the other one had just trembled for a little while, before it calmed down again.