Come to the Celestial Side, we have transfer arrays!

They were led to the capital early the next morning by the Baron's men. It was a larger city, with a stone wall around the whole place, but it was easy to see, that the defenses were mostly for show.

They looked nice, but were not thick enough or made out of strong enough materials to survive a serious siege. Like the whole kingdom, they built according to how things would look instead of how efficient they would be.

As a kingdom focusing on tourism and trade though, not many would cause issues here, afraid that some of their 'guests' might be someone far more troublesome than the kingdom itself.

"This looks like a really nice place. They have parks everywhere and it's really clean too." Myra said while they were driving through the streets with a little carriage.

They could of course fly as well, but not only would it be troublesome, as the Baron's men couldn't fly, they also did not want to cause a scene. In the end, they simply wanted to sell some items that Myra had prepared.

Even their escort was told to stay at the inn and protect Rae, who wanted to play some more with her new friends, instead of sitting around at an auction house.

"I'm sure they are used to having a lot of visitors. No one likes a dirty city with not enough space to walk and bad smells." Aaron replied. He had seen a lot of cities that looked and smelled really bad and for a place widely known as a vacation spot, this wouldn't be good news.

When they finally arrived at a large building of the trade company that would host the auction their carriage was stopped and they were led inside.

"Ah, the experts Baron Miles has told me about!"

They were soon greeted by a middle aged man with a big smile on his face. If the smile was fake or real, neither Myra nor Aaron could tell. He seemed to be quite skilled at acting.

"I am Manager Roris, responsible for maintaining this branch of our Golden Silk Auction Hall. How was your journey? I hope there were no other incidents on the way here?"

"No there were no incidents." Aaron told the man, who expected some further information, but it did not look like Aaron would say any more.

'Ah that one seems to be the cold stoic types who doesn't talk a lot and rather wants to keep things down to business.' Roris quickly changed his attitude a little bit, not standing around anymore and using flattery and formalities to welcome them.

"Please follow me inside. I have heard that you would like to sell some items at our upcoming auction?"

Once they were inside and one of the servants brought some refreshments the real discussion started.

Myra put a few items on the table while Manager Roris took a quick look at them. They all seemed to be some sort of enchanted items.

"I would like to sell these items here. They are various magical treasures of exceptional quality and you will not find anything like it on the continent."

"Not anything like it?" Roris didn't exactly believe her words. There were countless artificers who could produce great items that defied logic, but he did not comment on her words and just asked about more details.

"These crystals here are a set. They can be set up either on their own across key locations of a building, or they can link up with existing fortification magic. There are enough to cover even a larger mansion."

Myra pointed at some lightly glowing crystals on the table, maybe twenty of them in total.

"Once activated they generate a strong barrier that will last for about a day. Anything below earthen magic will be unable to break through. The person those crystals are keyed to, can decide to let certain things pass through from outside, say in a siege situation if they want to let refugees or family members enter."

The manager's eyes became really big. "Anything below earthen magic? You mean those little things will hold off a Hierophant's spells for a day?! You must be kidding right?"

Myra smiled at Roris and shook her head.

"I'm not kidding. We tested them thoroughly and they held off a Hierophant without a problem for a day. Even a group of them would not make a difference unless they combine their magic to attack a single point of the shield at the same time, which likely would take at least a dozen of them coordinating."

Aaron rolled his eyes when Myra explained these crystals.

'Good thing she didn't tell that manager that she tested it on the general her adopted father Emperor Vandor sent to keep an eye on her. I can still remember him shouting and screaming when she trapped him in one of those shields and it took him a day to break out.'

'General Jaros would strangle her if she ever told this story about him sitting inside of a shielded area being unable to get out. I somehow always seem to end up as mediator when Myra causes problems. Not that I dislike it, she causes so many funny incidents that I would never see otherwise.'

While Aaron had a smirk plastered on his face reminiscing about their past explosions, trials and all kinds of mishaps, Roris was still not convinced. After all they could not stake the reputation of their auction hall on the words of some strangers, even if they were introduced by a Baron.

"Is there some way to test them?" the manager asked carefully, not sure how these guests would react to his question.

Myra just nodded, not surprised by the question at all. 'I would probably want to see it myself as well and not just want to buy something without any guarantee if it works.'

She picked out another 2 crystals of her dimensional pouch and handed them over to Roris.

"These two should be enough to form a simple wall, just use them like regular fortification crystals. As the crystals recharge on their own after about a month, it won't be an issue to test them. Just give them back and unkey them when you are done with your tests."

Roris carefully took the crystals as if touching them might make them crumble at any point. He already considered where he would be able to get the help of a Hierophant from. It's not as if they would grow on trees.

"They even recharge after a month? This is really amazing. You were right, I have never even heard of such an item, let alone seen one. If this barrier is really so strong there will not be any issue with selling them for a high price at the auction."

"This little thing here is a tool that can help large woodcutting operations. It cuts down a part of the trees in a forest, gets rid of trunks and then replants new ones if seeds are added to its dimensional container or by picking up seeds from the felled trees."

Myra pointed at yet another of their recent inventions. They had limited workers and needed quite a lot of building materials. Wood was one of the top materials that were required and the lumberjacks usually did not have an extremely high amount of magic power.

In order to help them, Myra invented this thing, to get the most out of a forest in the shortest amount of time. It even replanted new trees in a natural way and left some of the trees of the forest standing, preventing landslides and a totally dead area where no trees were left behind.

"It is even smart enough to pick the correct trees, avoiding trees that are too young and things like that. The logs are collected in yet another dimensional container. A single yellow grade person can power it and its speed is enough to do the cutting work of about 3000 regular workers."

Once again Roris was impressed and his amazement would not end here. One by one Myra explained all of the magic items and their uses. All were unusual, extremely powerful in what they could do, and he never heard of them before.

There were no offensive magic treasures and Roris quickly understood that this was intentional, but there was nothing to do about it. It did make sense for a powerful nation to not share anything offensive, because he was now already convinced that these people in front of him were from an extremely powerful nation.

"May I know your name lady? I'm sure many will be interested who is selling these items unless you want to keep your identity hidden?"

Myra looked at Aaron, who just shrugged before she pondered over it a little bit more.

"You can tell them, that these things are sold by Queen Myra of the Celestial Kingdom." She told Roris after a while.

Aaron was a bit surprised, not expecting her to offer her true identity and even mention their new kingdom.

'It doesn't fit with Myra's personality to be so forthcoming with her name, but I guess she wants to make our kingdom well known, after all this is one of the reasons for us starting this journey in the first place. Making our existence public.'

Roris had never heard of a Celestial Kingdom before, but he treated them with utmost respect nonetheless. No matter how strong the kingdom might be, treating a Queen badly, would never end well.

"It is our pleasure to help you sell your items your Highness."

He looked once more at all the items and he was already sure that they would cause their auctions participants to bid like never before.

"Your Highness, it will take about two weeks until the auction starts. I will release some more information about all these new items beforehand, as it will attract a lot more customers that way."

"Please take a look at our conditions if they are to your liking and if you agree, there is nothing preventing us from this transaction anymore. We will do our best to sell these items for the highest price possible."

Myra looked through the informative crystal for a moment before handing it over to Aaron, who also inspected it for a little while before finally handing it back to Roris. It was detailing the auction hall's cut and all kinds of details about payment and return of items in case they would not sell at all.

"Is there a possibility of seeing you here more often your Highness? It is rare to see such exceptional items and I am sure our customers would be very happy to find more of them in future auctions."

Giving it some thought Myra shook her head.

"We are mostly here to meet the King. As our Celestial Kingdom was recently established under the Luminos Empire and is not yet well known, we visit the various Kingdoms and Empires in the area to pay our respects and engage in diplomatic relations."

Aaron on the other hand, did not want to let this chance just pass them by.

"What if you build a branch in our kingdom? We can give you the same conditions like the ones you just showed us and also help with providing a large enough room for your auctions. We can even throw in a dimensional transfer array that lets you relocate to any other place on the continent instantly."

"A branch with its own permanent transfer array? Wouldn't that use up an insane amount of magic power?" Roris did not expect such an offer.

Even a regular branch would be quite nice if this kingdom could really produce such items, but a transfer array on top made this offer irresistible.

"Sure, an array should not be an issue." Myra quickly realized what Aaron wanted to do. They had more than enough room in their Magic Tower. It was not nicknamed Tower of Portals by the population for no reason.

She turned to Aaron and discussed one of her new areas she currently researched, having a hard time holding back even though they were not alone.