Pursuing the Fox Demon

Yi Qing and Lonemoon were not so much pursuing the fox demon as pursuing Shen Ying who had left them trailing far behind. They followed her right up to the entrance of a cave before stopping.

Shen Ying stood upright at the entrance of the cave… looking like she was mulling over something?

"Is the fox demon hiding in the cave?" Lonemoon flew down and asked. "Why don't you chase after it?"

Shen Ying turned to look at him impassively. Her face did not convey any expression yet to Lonemoon, there was a hint of disdain behind it. "Don't you see the words written on this cave?"

"Words? What words?" Lonemoon was baffled.

She reached out her hand and pointed at the cave entrance. "Trap inside. Please enter quickly!"


Indeed, the fox demon clearly knew that it was being pursued. Why of all places would it choose this cave which was obviously a dead end? It was obvious that the fox demon had planned a trap here in advance.