Advice for Relationships

"Thank you for hosting us, Patriarch Yin. It's getting late, so we shan't hold you back any longer." Lonemoon put down the contract and raised his wineglass to toast the host who was seated at the main seat.

"Ah! Huh?" Yin Feng had still been silent, thinking about the unequal contract, yet Lonemoon was already planning to leave.

"Let's go." Lonemoon pulled Shen Ying to her feet.

"Oh." Having eaten her fill, Shen Ying dusted off her hands and got to her feet. "That, what's-your-name… thank you. Goodbye!"

Yin Feng had no choice but to send his guests off. There was no use regretting. He could only put on a smile and walk his guests to the front door.

"Farewell to the two of you, Patriarchs!" Lonemoon cupped his fists and put on his best businessman smile.

"Take care, Fellow Daoists!"