System of Another World

"A System?" Lonemoon hesitated. He scanned the person in front of him from head to toe and continued, "Why is there such a System in a world of immortal cultivators? Are you also a transmigrator?" Do people these days transmigrate however and whenever they want?

"Transmigrat—burp… what does that mean?" Feng Ying frowned as he asked. He finally managed to stop crying and burped.

"So you didn't transmigrate?" Lonemoon's curiosity was piqued. "Then what is this System in your body?"

"Hmph! Why must I—burp—tell you—burp—guys?" Feng Ying had no intention to cooperate at all, tutting furiously. Unfortunately, he did not look very intimidating while he was burping. "This System—burp—has been around since I signed my soul—burp—contract. You might be envious but…"

Before he could finish, however, a sound came from his body. Only he and Shen Ying could hear what the System said next.