Freedom and Independence

The Immortal Realm.

Immortal Qi was surging at the entrance of the Azure World, illuminating the entire sky. It seemed to set the stage for immortal ascension.

"What's going on?" The immortal steward at the Qing Tong Immortal Abode asked.

"I think… it seems like someone from the Azure World is ascending into immortality," another

immortal answered.

"Another person is ascending? Didn't one just ascend four hours ago?"

"It is highly likely that these people are feeding on the immortal qi now that the entrance has been opened."

"From the looks of it, another sword cultivator is about to ascend into immorality. Since when were there so many sword cultivators in the Azure World? Where's the Earth Immortal who's supposed to be standing guard at the door? Why isn't he sorting this out?"

"Well… I am unsure. The entrance is already closed - it seems like the Earth Immortal has already been away for quite some time."