General Knowledge of the Immortal Realm

"Shen Ying, pack up the house once you're done eating," Lonemoon instructed the foodie Shen Ying as he scurried around. Shen Ying had been eating steak and rice. "I've already made arrangements for Yu Hong to bring the disciples here and move all of your things over to the west hall. You'll be staying there from now on."

"Huh?" Shen Ying gave a blank expression. "Why?" She was happy to remain where she was. Why did she have to move? So troublesome.

"Isn't there an Immortal Abode at the bottom of this peak?" Lonemoon asked rhetorically. "I've already studied it. When you are right now is a perfect position from which we can reach the center of the Immortal Abode if we dig right through the ground."

"Why are we trying to reach the Immortal Abode?" Isn't it crushed by now?

"Why else? Of course we're going to collect the remains! Don't you usually collect the equipment of those you kill?"

"…" That makes sense.