Taking A Disciple

"Fellow Immortal Lonemoon…" Bao Feiping asked in a worried tone, "Is Fellow Immortal Yi Qing… really all right?"

Lonemoon's mouth twitched a little as he answered, "Don't worry, he knows what he's doing… at least he should know."

What the hell does "he should know" mean?

And why did he dash straight into the kitchen the moment he got out from the Nine Firmanents Distortion Mirror?

Immortals don't need to eat, so although they had a kitchen, it was only used sparingly by some immortals who loved their food; the utensils were usually not complete.

But… even overlooking the fact that Yi Qing had oil, salt, sauce and vinegar on his person, why was he also equipped with pots, pans and food ingredients? He even had bowls, chopsticks and tea. These were hardly things one would take on a journey; it was more like he was moving house?

Huh, even if he were to pull out a set of tables and chairs, I'll not be surprised.
