Let’s Be Reasonable


"Chef!" greeted Shen Ying as she hurled the tree into the water. Pulling the two men along with her, she jumped into the river. "Start the boat quickly, go, go, go!"

"Master, what happened?"


Before Shen Ying could explain further, Lonemoon, who was holding onto the floating tree trunk, started vomiting his guts out. He learnt for the first time that, in addition to airsickness, seasickness and motion sickness, there was also running sickness. That idiot Shen Ying had been running way too fast.

"I've no time to explain, row quickly!" urged Shen Ying.

Despite his bafflement, Yi Qing nevertheless obediently conjured a wind seal. Immediately the three of them floated towards the center of the river. Standing atop the tree trunk, the three of them finally reached the center of the river.

Suddenly they heard an angry roar from the river bank, "Stop, you two rascals!"