The Profound Sanskrit Poison

Shen Ying turned to her left and right and saw the few people around her acting as if she was not there. She sighed and was just about to return to her body when she heard a weird noise next to her ear.

It was a tiny noise, almost indistinguishable. She paused and thought for awhile before she floated out the door.

Everybody inside the house did not have a clue about what was going on.

Yi Qing's face was etched with worry. Anxiously, he turned to Xun Shu and asked, "How can we wake Master up?"

"Her divine perception has just left her body. There's nothing to worry about." Xun Shu pondered over something and then continued, "We can only wait for her divine perception to return before she wakes up again. Otherwise, we can look for the person who cast the spell."

"But when one's divine perception leaves the body, it usually travels over thousands of miles. If we wait for her to return…"