The Battle With The Eight Emperors

"It's you!" Ge You exclaimed in shock, staring incredulously at Yi Qing. Victims of the Winter Spirit Leaf poison could live for at most four months, yet he was still alive. Moreover, he seemed to show no signs of being poisoned. How was this possible! Ge You started to feel uneasy, but did not show it outwardly as there were people present.

Having recovered from their initial shock, the guests in the hall glared hostilely at the intruder in their midst.

"What insolence! You're just a lowly immortal, how dare you act so disrespectfully in the presence of these exalted emperors?"

"Who are you? How dare you break into the Palace of War Cessation?"

"You're just a lowly immortal. How dare you speak so arrogantly to His Majesty Ge You. I want to see what you are capable of."

"Exalted Emperor Ge You, let me help you fix this impudent upstart."