The Battle Of The Two Continents

In less than five minutes, her opponent was about to be forced off the stage. Hui Ling twirled the sword in her hand and the dharma spell immediately changed. Thousands of steel rings immediately started gathering in the sky, then they transformed into a rope which flew towards her opponent.

Hui Ling heaved a sigh of relief. There was a triumphant look on her face as she said, "It's over."

"You're right!" Just then, a male voice suddenly rang out behind her. The next moment, a formidable blade came swinging towards her. Startled, Hui Ling wanted to defend herself but it was too late. The glittering sword blade had reached her face. "It's really over.."

"Ah!" Hui Ling screamed. The sword did not land on her body, for at the critical moment her dharmic protective vest activated and blocked off her opponent's attack.

"Huh?" Her attacker stepped back in surprise.