Negotiating Compensation

"Qiao Qiao!" Bai Ti called softly. Now was not the time for her to be throwing a tantrum.

"No, I will not go back," Bai Qiao shook her head violently. Her voice was filled with panic. "It took me a lot of effort to find this Spirit Convening Lamp! As long as I can get my hands on it… This time I will surely…"

"Qiao Qiao!" Bai Ti lowered his voice, interrupting her. He sounded slightly angered when he spoke again, "Why are you still stuck in your daydreams? Celestial Emperor Xin Han will never fall for you. So what if you manage to find that Spirit Convening Lamp? You can't change this fact."

"But he's injured!" Bai Qiao explained, panicked. "His Primordial Spirit is injured – that's why he doesn't feel anything for me. Once he recovers, he will see who has been kind to him all this time."