Borrowing the Luo Han Stone

Yi Shui continent was located at the northernmost tip of the immortal realm and therefore did not have the perennial spring-like climate of Feng Cang continent. It was almost entirely covered in snow, with very little greenery. Apart from snow, all they could see was the boundless ocean.

As they were worried about Xuan Tong, Shen Ying, Lonemoon and Yi QIng headed straight for Yi Shui Palace without stopping. They saw only a few immortal officials along the way.

As they had the special travel access pass given by Chu Xuan, they were able to reach the entrance of the palace without incident. They informed the immortal official guard of the purpose of their visit. After a while, someone came out and greeted them with a salute.

"His Highness invites you in!" They were then led into the main palace.