Stealing a Girl

On top of the Cloud Sea.

"Hey, that fellow immortal in there… Are you alright?" Ying Zhi's face was a mask of worry. That Lady Shen looked like an Earth Immortal, but for some reason, all of these people were extremely confident in sending her into the Crystal Palace. Ying Zhi knew the Cloud Beast the best - he was understandably worried that something would go wrong in there.

"Don't worry, Celestial Emperor. Shen Ying knows what to do," Lonemoon responded. He thought for awhile and added, "I think?" He just hoped that she would not cause trouble.

"…" What does he mean by he thinks? Now, Ying Zhi was even more worried than before!

"The eddy on the sea is gone!" Someone shouted.

All of them paused and turned to look. Indeed, a few metres from them, the eddy which was protected by the golden array had disappeared. Instead, there was calm. Even the waves had stopped.