The Truth behind the Demon Gate

"You all are from the Celestial World?" The woman looked at them, astonished. Her brows then furrowed in vexation, "Why are you all in the Demon World?"

The few of them were stunned for a moment, they had not expected her to be able to see through their identities at a glance. They all turned to look at someone, what low-quality talisman had he given them?

Blackie: "…" It's none of my business? I don't know how she could tell either.

"There is no need to worry, I mean no harm." The woman could see their apprehension and explained, "I didn't expect that there would be other immortals other than me in the Demon World." She produced a hand seal and removed some sort of spell. In the next second, the Immortal Qi around her became even more dense like it was about to become corporeal.