The Lotus Assembly

As someone who was extremely bad at directions and who was stuck in the forest for months, Shen Ying could not help but praise the worm who was beside her. "Good job, Long Worm!"

"It's expected, expected!" The black dragon smiled humbly. The forest was not that big to begin with. "Exalted Goddess, what are your plans?"

"Er…" Shen Ying thought for awhile and glanced at the narrow path in front of her. "I'll probably go and look around at the crowded places!" Chef should be looking for her. For all she knew, they might bump into each other. The key thing was… "Did you bring anything to eat?" She was not used to not having food to eat.

"Eat… Eat…. Eat what?" The black dragon trembled, thinking about the sea beast that was chopped into pieces previously. Its entire body drained of colour. "Exalted… Exalted Goddess, I underwent grain liberation from a very young age, so I…. I… don't."