The Egg that Ran Away

The black dragon paused. Must she be so direct?

"Your robes are not made out of dragon scales. They will be of no use, so you'll have to take them off anyway!" Long Zhen said seriously.

"Oh…" The girl has already made the first move. The black dragon immediately took off all his clothes except for his pants. He stood there with his well-sculpted body exposed.

Long Zhen scanned his long pants and frowned "Take your pants off as well."

"Well… This isn't too good right?" The black dragon's face flushed red. He subconsciously held on to the top of his pants. If he took it off too, he would be completely nude.

"Alright, leave it on then!" Long Zhen saw his unwilling expression and decided not to push him further. "Let's begin!"

She reached her hand out toward him.

The black dragon's entire body was red by now. His heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. He reached out for her soft and elegant hand with his own trembling one.