Despicable Father

A phoenix cried out. A huge phoenix appeared on the ground.

Its feathers were of different colours of the rainbow. It waved its wings and the lightning around it ceased. Then, it swung its long tail toward the dragon. Instead of crashing into it, the tail whipped around the dragon like a chain. It was almost as if the phoenix was trying to not hurt the dragon. The phoenix pulled it close and hugged the dragon with its wings.

"Let me go!" Long Zhen screamed. Yet, she could not break out of the phoenix's grip. She had no choice but to turn back into a human to break free.

Feng San's reaction was faster than hers. He turned back into human form at the exact same time and managed to keep his hold on her. Since he was bigger and stronger, he tackled her onto the ground and locked her down. "I'm not letting go!"