Searching at Thousand Feet

Lonemoon quickly conjured a seal and connected it to the remnant soul. A moment later, two images appeared on top of the remnant soul. One was the location of the remnant soul - where they were at the moment. The other was a place with very little immortal Qi. There were multiple huge transparent peaks floating around that looked like they were made out of crystal. Each of them seemed to have a temple on the top.

"This is… Thousand Feet Mountain!" Zhu Ming exclaimed.

"Where is Thousand Feet Mountain?" Lonemoon asked.

"That is where the Supreme Divinity Qian Yue lives - it's on the east of the Divine World." Zhu Ming frowned. "Although Supreme Divinity Qian Yue's personality is cold, he is someone of respectable standing in the Divine World. I don't think he would have set up such a cruel array. Why is the person you're looking for there?"