A Buffet of Sea Creatures

"As for why that Qian Yue looks exactly like me, I have no idea as well." Perhaps it was a coincidence? Lonemoon frowned as if suddenly recalling something. "Shen Ying,, don't you think…"

He just started speaking when Bai Ze suddenly appeared beside them. He looked at Shen Ying excitedly and said, "Shen… Ying, come with me."

"What's the matter?" Shen Ying did not feel like moving away from the table.

"It's not something wrong with Shortie, is it?" Lonemoon jumped to his feet. Shortie had already been resting at the spirit spring for three days. There were still no update.

"No! She's doing very well. She can probably come out tomorrow." He spoke clearly once he turned to Lonemoon. "I just have a place where I want to bring Shen… Ying to."

"I'm not going" Shen Ying rejected him. She had no interest in matters that required her to move.