Live Online Games

Lonemoon panted. This game felt so much like real life. In that moment, he really thought he was about to die. He looked at his hands in confusion. Was that… his in-game skills?

"Father Niu?" Suddenly, he heard Shen Ying's voice by his ear.

He looked around but could not find anyone around him. A moment later, he noticed an icon of a yellow envelope in the bottom right corner of his vision. He instinctively tapped it

There was a swiping sound and a screen bounced out of the envelope. Shen Ying was on the screen.

"Where the hell were you?!" Lonemoon exploded in rage. "What kind of rotten place is this? And what the hell was that beast earlier?"

"You're in a newbie testing area. Before you passed the test, I could not contact you."