Demons' Attack of the Mountain

"I see." Lonemoon nodded. They had come fast indeed. He turned to tell Shen Ying, "Don't go running around!" After that his body shape flashed and he disappeared right where he was.

At that moment, the area outside the mountain gate had been filled with all kinds of demons from many different clans. Moreover, most were big demons at the seventh and eighth levels. There were even a few at the ninth.

If not for the Protective Mountain Array, they may have already rushed onto the mountain.

Lou Hong tried hard to maintain the Protective Mountain Array, while he looked at the demons. Although he knew that demons were of a cruel and revengeful nature, he didn't expect them to chase a couple kids till here.

"Old man, if you know the situation, open up the array, and we might spare a few disciples of yours. Otherwise…" A jackal demon walked out and showed his bloody teeth to the crowd, "When we enter, we will eat all of you to the bones."