The Perfect Training

"Now, I am about to leave for Immortal Ascension. I feel the difficulty to tame the murderous nature of demon kind, and am concerned of the enmity rising again between men and demons, making them drift away from the righteous path. I used the Origin-Returning Pearl as a pact and wish the fated one who receives it would leave this message for my descendants: always remember that life and death are all a result of karma. The Dao to Immortal Ascension lies in getting rid of the heart for killing and freeing yourselves from your original nature."

After he finished speaking, his vague figure became even thinner. Some golden light from the surroundings fell on him. He spoke again in a more ethereal voice.

"I wish to meet Great Immortal again in my lifetime, to thank her for her guidance of my kind."

In the next instant, the figure disappeared completely, and even the bright white array darkened, as if the lights had never been there.