Half an Invader

HIs sword was just about to cut right through the two of them.

Shen Ying raised her hand, blocking the sword's path. Cracks echoed throughout the array. The sharp demonic sword suddenly broke into two. The other party stared at her in shock. Shen Ying reached forward and grabbed his hand.

The next moment, he felt like everything around him was spinning. There was a loud crash. The new Demon King was thrown onto the floor. All the demonic Qi had dissipated from his body.

"Speak nicely!"

As if he could not feel any pain, the Demon King began to struggle and scream, "Return it to me, return it to me, liar! You're all liars! Destroy, I'm going to destroy all of you…" Suddenly, there was an explosion of demonic Qi. The man's body became surrounded by a massive amount of black Qi so that he became one with the darkness around him. He looked just like… he was being swallowed alive.
