Qing He County

"There are, but it's more troublesome." Meng Po pondered for awhile and said, "Grievous energy is being produced because this man suffered some sort of injustice when he was still alive. As a result, he had grievance toward the world. Apart from trying to get rid of it by force, we can only try to figure out how he died and resolve the knot in his heart. That will take care of the grievous energy."

That really did sound troublesome.

The key was the soul himself had forgotten how he died. How were they going to figure it out?

Shen Ying tilted her head and turned to Yi Qing. "How about we just beat the grievous energy out of him?" That was probably a more no-waste method of doing things.

"Master…" Yi Qing frowned. "His soul is already extremely weak. I can't even withstand a blow from you - his soul will dissipate for sure."

"…" What should we do then? Why not you hit him?