Preparation for War Against Deviant Ghosts

After that was said, everyone was in awe, and anxious looks came to their faces. A city attack by deviant ghosts was not a frequent occurrence, and moreover, the city in question was Moonfall City besides. That was the city with most Mystic cultivators besides Longxing City. Its towns houses the most Mystic cultivators- it had at least several dozens of them, if not more than a hundred. If such a number were unable to stop the ghosts, they couldn't imagine how many deviant ghosts there were.

"Sect master Ying, now that the deviant ghosts have attacked, how should we deal with it? Please tell us." Somebody spoke in response, and others expressed similar thoughts.

"Yes! Longxing City is the last defense. After here, deviant ghosts would go right into the capital. There will be a greater massacre of the living then!"

"That's right. We can absolutely not let them pass through. Let's chase away deviant ghosts and protect the realm!"