Mischievous Ghost

Song Ren and Yun Heng seemed to be at loggerheads. To put it more accurately, Song Ren could not stand Yun Heng. Each time they met, Song Ren's entire ghost body would feel uncomfortable after just exchanging a couple of greetings. In the past, when Yun Heng was busy managing the other Mystic cultivators and came by the rear hall less often, things were better. Ever since he began to train, however, he could not keep away. His cultivation was high, naturally his skills would be different from everyone else's. He could only consult Yi Qing and Lonemoon and had no choice but to run into the rear hall every now and then. That was why he bumped into Song Ren more often as well.

Even though Yun Heng was good-tempered, he would get angered every time he made contact with Song Ren. Song Ren, on the other hand, loved to see him get agitated. Even when Yun Heng did not come to the rear hall, Song Ren would go out to look for him just to irritate him.