Missing One After Another

"It's… it's working!" The fear in their eyes turned to excitement. In the past, in order to deal with Yin Qi, they had to use countless talismans. Even then, they were only able to activate a bit of spirit Qi, and the effect did not last very long.

"If you have spirit Qi protecting your body, the ghosts and spirits would not go anywhere near you," Lonemoon explained. "As long as you have spirit Qi around your body, those remnant souls would not be able to harm your body."

The moment he finished speaking, the crowd got excited.

The next moment, the huge groups of remnant souls began to fly toward them. The big patch of black traveled, carrying with them the chilling and terrifying cries of ghosts. Faintly, they could see their frightening faces.

The sheer number of these remnant souls was much larger than what they encountered in the city earlier. Yi Qing frowned and stepped forward, ready to conjure a seal.