Repairing the Northern Land

At once, a very bright golden light shone. The grievous energy in the surroundings started rushing into Yun Heng's body wildly as if they were pulled by some unknown force. And an almost transparent soul floated directly out of the grievous energy, rising slowly into the golden array on top.

From Yun Heng's body, dots of light of soul also started floating out. They converged upon the soul in on the top. Song Ren's soul which were almost transparent due to the effect of grievous energy, started materializing in visible speed. Bits of red blood Qi also started condensing towards the other body. That materialized soul body immediately had some livelihood, finally changing back from ghost soul to live soul.

Only then did Yun Heng's hand stop. Apparently his whole body was almost surrounded by grievous energy, yet a hint of a smile showed at the corner of his mouth. "And… I'm sorry!"