Unknown Realm Gate

"Country Emperors, have you decided?" Lonemoon smiled sly as a fox. He hurried them, saying, "This immortal spring is going to disappear very soon. If you've decided, please send your sect's disciples to claim the elixirs. Why not… we start from Country Emperor Yu?" He turned to face the man closest to him.

Yu Cang was caught off guard. Yet, he did not dare to decline Lonemoon. Holding back the urge to vomit blood, he turned back to glance at the man behind him. Clenching his fists, he gestured to the person on his right. "You… go!" Indeed, everyone else immediately lowered their gaze.

Once Yu Cang took the lead, the other country emperors began to select their own Exalted Immortals. Within seconds, 15 people were standing apart from the rest. The atmosphere was different now. Apart from the fifteen excited immortals standing apart from the crowd, the other exalted immortals looked disappointed, or confused or indignant.