Coming Back

Lonemoon didn't open the door with a spell, but turned directly into a light smoke, and then entered from the window. He looked around, but didn't see Little Ying. Only that in the middle of the pillow on the bed, there was a big hump which was shivering and shaking. From time to time a repressed sob came from it.

Lonemoon felt a pain in his heart. Suddenly he had an urge to get out and give Chef a really bad beating. Bastard! What did you say to my little princess just now! His hands tightened beside his body, as he suppressed the urge to rush right over and carry her up to comfort her.

He stepped forward and said in a soft voice, "Why is Little Ying crying? Did someone bully you?"

The cotton lump on the bed stiffened, and the sound of sobbing stopped immediately, but she didn't reply.

"What are you sad for, can you tell Daddy?" He continued. "Is it Mommy? How about Daddy help you beat him!"