Dealing with Intruder

"I forgot to say…" They heard Shen Jing say, word by word, "that I have also seen plenty of intruding Managers like you!"

"…" WHAT!

He had no time at all to think what this sentence meant. In the next moment, an immense pain came once more. Shen Jing grabbed the person, and hit the ground with him left and right. The movement was so fast that it that shadows blurred. The actual movement couldn't be clearly seen at all. And the abilities of that Manager seemed suppressed by Shen Jing as well, such that he was not in the least bit able to resist. For a time, the sound of human body hitting the ground echoed over the whole Divine Realm. Even the screams of pain disappeared.

Not that he didn't want to scream, but there was no opportunity to at all.

On-looker Yi Qing, "…"

On-looker Lonemoon, "…"