Study Hard

Grain liberation is a big test to one's perseverance, especially a fat person. The key was to resist the temptation! Not to mention the ordinary three meals per days, Chef also made desserts and pastries in the kitchen, especially with Shen Ying, the 24-hour-non-stop eating machine. Occasionally, this was added to the sound of Rabbit gnawing at internal cores. It could be said that temptation was everywhere in the back palace!

But somehow, Fatty managed to do it. After the talk of Grain liberation, he had never really been by the table. He gritted his teeth and forcefully ignored all temptation of delicious foods. When he was really too hungry, he asked Father Niu for a Grain Liberation Elixir to sustain himself.

Soon, two months had passed. Fatty's face was already wan and sallow from hunger, and his footsteps were unstable. And then… he became one kilo heavier!

Lonemoon, "…"

Yi Qing: "…"

Shen Ying, "…"