Hao Ran As An Arbitrator

Fatty froze, sensing an immense pressure suddenly attacking towards him, it brought an aura that one could not resist.

Sun Yu who was badly wounded abruptly threw out an item, the solemn look in his eyes earlier had been replaced by one that showed he wished to skin him alive. A green umbrella suddenly appeared in the air, surrounded by a white luster, a strong suppression swept across the surrounding few hundred miles. No matter the cultivators or the demon beasts, everyone wore a terrified look, one could tell this umbrella wasn't an item of the mortal realm in one look.

"Soul Capturing Umbrella!" Fatty faltered, but it was already too late to dodge.

"Damn it!" Lonemoon cursed, actually using an immortal artifact to cheat when he couldn't beat him, did they take him to be a dead person?

He stood up right away, as he was about to strike out, he was tugged back Shen Ying who was beside him.

"Father Niu."