Heavenly Dao Calculations

Lonemoon pursed his lips. Alright, the Heavenly Dao had been tolerating all these matters for way too long anyway.

"It looks like I won't have to take action." He undid his sword array and scanned the group below. "Alright, I'll look at how the Heavenly Dao deals with you worms!" With that, he turned and flew toward Shen Ying retreating inside the boundaries that Chef had drawn out. He pulled out a chair and took a seat.

The moment Lonemoon sat down, the realm gate that just opened sealed shut again. The gray clouds in the air grew thicker.

"Is this… is this lightning tribulation?" They looked up in disbelief. Why was lightning tribulation appearing all of a sudden? Nobody was ascending to immortality. What's more, this was the mortal realm. They were from the immortal realm. What was the immortals' lightning tribulation doing in the mortal realm?