Hong Meng's Troubles

Lonemoon looked on as the master and disciple duo rejoiced and tried to fit each one of the small animals running around into their storage bags. They were even trying their best to get Fatty to help them out. He turned around to Little Black and asked, "Did he leave us a message?" There must be a reason why Hong Meng was spending so much effort trying to please them.

Little Black pondered for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I think he said something like… he's going to be… outside some plane's realm waiting for the Exalted Goddess?"

"A realm outside the plane?" Lonemoon paused. Did he mean the divine realm? Shen Ying had left a gate to the plane over there at first. It looked like Hong Meng really was in trouble.

Lonemoon frowned, then instructed Little Black to bring Fatty to look for a room he could stay in. He then helped Shen Ying and Yi Qing put away all the fresh meat before he explained the situation. After that, he opened a passage to the divine realm.